What do you do when your brand wants to promote exciting news, but your product remains the same? If you’re Red Bull, you float a balloon to the edge of the atmosphere and jump out. It’s called branded news, and it’s a surefire way to generate coverage stemming from a big bang and a big budget.
Red Bull’s (almost) out-of-this-world event took place in 2012, when Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner leapt from a balloon while at the edge of the stratosphere, 24 miles above Earth. The video, which streamed live on YouTube with a one-minute delay in case of an accident, captured the world’s attention—and gained publicity again last week when headlamp-style camera maker GoPro posted its version of the video, which showed the jump from Baumgartner’s perspective. The GoPro video, featured in a 30-second Super Bowl timeslot and disseminated on the web, includes footage of the nail-biting uncertainty as Baumgartner loses control and connection to base for seconds of his fall. Both Red Bull and GoPro managed to make the news work for them by recognizing that every part of the story could garner attention and by spreading that content over time. In GoPro’s case, timing its release strategically meant grabbing the spotlight just before the company’s IPO.
What makes branded news work?
The key feature of successful branded news, or extreme content marketing, isn’t much different from anything else we do in communications. Having a deep understanding of who you’re trying to reach, their values and how that connects to your brand is essential in any communications effort.
When Felix Baumgartner jumped out of a plane, “Red Bull gives you wings,” the company’s motto, took on new significance to a population of thrill seekers. The synergy between audience, message and delivery means the news reaches the public you’re most aiming for.
What are some other examples of branded news that you’ve seen work for companies?